Monday, January 21, 2013

2012 Year in Review: Part 4 - Summer in Malaysia (Danny's Party)!

iii) Danny's 10th Birthday Party!

Kalau korg perasan la, yes, our family love party so much! But not that wild party laaa... We appreciate family-oriented kind of party where all of our relatives and friends can gather and have fun catching up with each other. If we can't afford to throw a party, our family would never miss celebrating important events (like birthdays, final exam results or even mid terms sometimes, homecoming, etc) even with just as simple as having dinner at mamak or something like that.

Happy 10th Birthday My Lil Love <3
May 20th 2012 was Danny's 10 years old birthday. So like last year, xde org lain la yg in charge utk organized party ni sume. Aku jgk. But since I mmg bosan gler cuti sem, I was more than happy to take care of it. I cari photographer and MCs, book hall, tempah cake, cari goodies, deliver cards to the kids, perah otak nk reka game and bt event tu interesting and etc. (Now I think that abah should pay me gaji for doing thisss hurmmm... maybe the next bday party). Thanks byk2 kt Pak Cik Mie yg sudi drive me around bandar. Could never accomplish all this w/o you. Unlike last year, my Mom and my sweet cuzen were helping me out with all this things. But this year, Sheena was in Bandung studying Medicine and my Mom? She just simply told me that she had trained me to do all these last year. And I was like, "Oh really?? In 3 days??". But I managed to do it anyway. 

Okay, now yg jaga front desk pn I jgk.

Thanks EE, Syaza and Fatimah for helping me out that night. Love u girls! 

Danny and friends- Music Chair
I have no idea that all -boys -school students could be so uncontrollable and smart at the same time. 

Abe Pacaq as the MC . Like last year, you've done such a good job in taming all those kids. 
Danny nyanyi lgu Awan Nano and lagu Rossa 
My family + my cousin (in pink)

Lucky Draw - LMFAO looking at Danny's expression
My lil' bro had grown up to be cuter (like her sis), smart (of course like me :p)  and well-disciplined (oh yeah, ikut sape lg LOL). But really he kinda remind me of myself when I was his age (how I wish I am like what I used to be back then). Super-ambitious minus part suka merajuk. Xpernah lagi jumpa org yg lg kuat merajuk dri budak ni. He can literally merajuk dri pagi smpai malam over small things. Kdg2 tu geram jugak but I guess sbb dye anak bongsu, ktorg yg lain ni pn terpksa la melayan jgk (sape x sayang adik oiii). 

Recap: Danny's 9th Birthday Party
Some tips on how to organize a kids' birthday party : 

1. Choose appropriate menu for kids. Make sure not to spicy. Many kids love chicken wings and nuggets, sausages that kind of food.
2. Book a spacious place so that the kids can run and roll on the floor all the want. Forget formality. This is kids event. We want them to have fun.
3. Put a lot of toys and candies/chocolates in their goodie bags. I put glasses, party hat, action figures, some Angry Birds erasers, lollipops. And yeah, they love the small thing that when u pull the string, it will pop out some confetties.
4. For games, make sure to include Musical Chair, Poison box (a box with rolled papers with some instructions asking them to do silly things), acara berebut gula2 (i love watching them running and rolling on the floor collecting candies), lucky draw and singing contest. As for the present, I always give them coloring set or stationary set. The first place winner get the biggest set.
5. Lastly, enjoy yourself as much as the kids do. It was so much fun watching them eat and play. It makes you realize that by making others happy, you will be happy too :)

P/S: many thanks to those who helped - EE, Syaza, Fatima, Adli, Zarif and many others :))

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