Monday, January 21, 2013

2012 Year in Review: Part 4 - Summer in Malaysia!

Wlaupn balik Malaysia sebulan jer, I personally think that I've done a lot of stuff..  maybe sbb kt rumah x dpt nk online, so I made full use of my time than the usual thing that I slalu bt kt vandy – on internet like most of the time. Of course bila dah balik Malaysia, mestila pulun makan mcm2 - nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, bubur pulut hitam, kari kepala ikan etc. Mostly masakan Malaysia laa… X pandang pn western food tu smua sbb like seriously, I was craving for Malaysian like crazy and especially masakan ayam, daging adn ikan (kt Vandy ssh nk enjoy masakn yg based on daging and ayam sbb x halal – and I x katuk).

i) Mother's Day Celebration 

I smpai KB awal Mei, then few days after that was Mother's Day. So Abah decided to have family dinner (the whole family reunited!) together with some of our family friends. Kebetulan dkat Renaissance Hotel ada bt Mother's Day Celebration event, so my dad thought that it would be a perfect place. On 9th May, ktorg satu kluarga pegi la buffet dinner kt situ. They have few special activities during that night like Cake Deco for Mom and Mom-Daughter/Son Look Alike Contest thing, and also best dress of the night (for mom only.. fine :/ )

The cake that I decorated with very limited stuff. Gosh baru tau susah nak tulis guna piping bag! 
Happy Mother's Day MAMA! 

Mi famili. *Mama nape asyik nak tdo je =.="

Little black dress for that night. Minimum details for our simple celebration. 
 As expected, we did not win any of the contest. Yelah I got no talent in decorating cake whatsoever. And I also look more like my dad than my mom (anak Abah! Habit suka tido pn mcm Abah). But my mom bestfriend won the best dress contest. Next time don't wear merah yer mama. Red dress too mainstream nowadays.

However, thanks Mama for being such a wonderful mother to us. Wlaupn mama garang masa Erin kecik dulu and Abah was my bestfriend at that time, I know that you did that for our own benefits and I thank you for that now :)). Now, you both are my bestfriends Abah and Mama!

ii) My 20th Birthday Surprise Party! 

I was not expecting for any kind of celebration for my birthday sbb personally I don't really mind ad party ke x. Normally my parents would just take me out for dinner at my fav place but last year, my dad had an event at Ibu Pejabat Polis Jeli on that very night. So, as a change, my dad invited me to accompany him to the event with my mom. And I ape lg, on jer. I got nothing to do at home anyway (no Internet, hence nothing). It was like a family-oriented event and I would have a chance to meet new families and friends. Plus, ada banyak food!!

After few days, some of friends bt plan nk g picnic kt Jeram Linang. Lebih kurg 2 hours drive from home. I freaking love nature especially waterfall (sbb area tu sejuk n mendamaikan ~). Seingat I, my last visit masa I was 10. So, it has been 10 years I x pergi Jeram Linang. And to my surprise, nothing much yg berubah kt sini. The nature still terjaga and the water pn jernih jer. I was so freaking happy. X sempat makan nasi bungkus (bwk bekal), dah pergi terjun main air.

Pikku nikku time!!
Layan Karipap Terapung

Dah penat main air, panjat2 bukit tgk2 ad birthday cake with my name written on it! Sumpah terkejut sbb first of all, that day wasn't my birthday and second, mmg xde tanda2 pn yg dorg ni ad plan something, Patut laaa dorg x turun. Ak jer sorg2 layan air terjun dgn Effy. It was fun and of cos la I terharu of them being so thoughtful. The food was good, the friends were awesome, the place was perfect. What else could I ask for? 
Thank you korg love u muah3! 

Love the cake!! 

Good one Adli 

I freaking miss my childhood

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